Big shot down pic wendy from infanview

conewells Free


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  1. over 14 years ago on Dick Tracy

    Thank you, Sydney Phillips, for adding SPOTS on your ā€˜panelā€™. He was one of my favorite villains (along with FIFTH).

  2. over 14 years ago on Dick Tracy

    I applaud Mr. Locher for having tried to to keep Tracy alive, but all heā€™s done is ruin it, actually. Itā€™s gone from four panels to three, and his ā€œvillainsā€ never last more than three weeks. And itā€™s all so sloppy-looking. Why canā€™t they re-print Chester Gouldā€™s masterful art work from the 50s to the mid-1960s?? Chester Gould RULES!