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- almost 14 years ago on The Argyle Sweater
almost 14 years ago
on Cul de Sac
What is crazy is the fear of clowns…
about 14 years ago
on Views of the World
left and right are slippery terms. left generally means more collectivism, equality, right more individualism and personal liberty.. Communism is certainly not a far-individualist system.
about 14 years ago
on Views of the World
On the contrary. Western Darfur has no oil, Southern Darfur is rich in it. And it is not the western powers that are keen to have the south independent, it is the people who live there.
about 14 years ago
on Views of the World
Part of the increase could well be the signs from the White House that they are anti-gun. Better buy them now while you can.
about 14 years ago
on Views of the World
Cartoon is actually right. We have the right to bear arms, and we also must bear the consequences of that. if that means a nut case from time to time kills a bunch of people, that is terrible but something we bear.
If we got rid of firearms, is there any doubt that a nut case that wanted to get a target like the congresswoman could not devise a vest bomb like the suicide bomber in Tikrit?
about 14 years ago
on Views of the World
We do not belong among the ‘socialized’ nations - which are not advanced nations because they are less free. You cannot compare the US with any other culture - it is distinct.
about 14 years ago
on Views of the World
The point of the right to bear arms is not about crime. It is the idea that an armed citizenry can defend itself - against invaders, against an oppressive government, AND against criminals.
If you are disarmed you are dependent on someone else to defend you. If you like being dependent on the state, that is fine, but it is NOT freedom. The US was built on independence, that people should free and left alone as much as possible.
Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness
about 14 years ago
on Tony Auth
Insurance is a gamble. The insurance companies - or the government in single payer systems - bet that they’ll take in more in benefits than they pay out. If not they raise rates (or increase taxes).
Insurance is also a hedge bet on an individual level.
If I have no insurance and get hurt or sick, I go to the hospital and they take care of me, and then I have a huge bill and have to pay hundreds of dollars a month for a very long time to pay off.
Or I can buy health insurance, and pay hundreds of dollars a month for a very long time IN CASE I get sick or injured. A gamble I now have the freedom to make either way.
We should always ask of any legislation the Liberty Question - does it increase or decrease personal liberty?
If it decreases personal liberty, there must be a very compelling argument made. The fact that so many oppose the health care bill show the argument was not compelling enough.
Ah, but Mike, the question is did he change the world for the better or worse?