Uh Bluejays, I thought Bachman was the looney toons party spokesperson. She fits the bill a lot better than Paul. He at least appears to be partially sane. Bachman on the other hand is a grade A first class Nut Burger.
We shouldn’t be bombing one of our allies. Why we helped put him in power, and even bribed him with millions of our poor working class tax dollars. Hmmm, we did the same thing with Saddam. It’s long past time for the US to stop promoting itself as the shining beacon of liberty. Our hands are as bloody as these dictators are. Wake up AMERICA!!!!!
We need to bring home our troops from all of these countries. We are wasting billions of dollars that this country needs. It’s time for the US to take care of it’s own first.
I just have to wonder what will happen if all of the dictators are removed from power. It’s very naive to think they will end up being a democracy like the US. More likely they will end up being a theocracy like Iran. What really amazes me the most is how the evangelicals in this country are constantly trying to turn our country into a theocracy. The forefathers didn’t want a theocracy. They came from one in England.
Both of these clowns should be buried. Until the monopoly these two parties have is broken, nothing is going to get better. They are both bought and paid for by the big corporations.
I applaud the bipartisanship displayed by both parties. At first I was angry over Obama agreeing to extend the tax cuts, but it looks like the trade offs were well worth it.
Uh Bluejays, I thought Bachman was the looney toons party spokesperson. She fits the bill a lot better than Paul. He at least appears to be partially sane. Bachman on the other hand is a grade A first class Nut Burger.