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Lyle Heller Free

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  1. about 7 years ago on Stuart Carlson

    Trump got rid of the Yellen at the Federal Reserve and the market went into a panic when he did not give her the customary second term. Janet Yellen kept interest rates low for eight years, which allowed low cost expansion for business and industry. Trump did not like seeing her picture on the cover of magazines touting her expertise in growing the economy and he thought that by providing large tax cuts the economy would grow without needing the Fed. keeping an eye on things. We will see what happens without her.

  2. about 7 years ago on Signe Wilkinson

    Don’t care much for Pro Sports but as I read this on Feb. 6th, it is rather funny.

  3. about 7 years ago on Signe Wilkinson

    Don’t care much for Pro Sports but as I read this on Feb. 6th, it is rather funny.

  4. about 7 years ago on Moderately Confused

    The Republicans tried this program in Kansas and almost destroyed the state.

  5. over 7 years ago on Adam@Home

    We have helicopters (close enough). I’d be happy if our government spent less on giveaways to the rich and the military contractors and spent more on the VA and infrastructure.

  6. over 7 years ago on Mike du Jour


  7. over 7 years ago on Stuart Carlson

    Why leave when you can spend your work days getting a sauna. FEMA can always find a way to emulate the WPA projects of the Depression.

  8. over 7 years ago on Shoe

    The truth is that as long as the story matches our bias, we think it is factual. The fact is that most of us are too lazy to check out the story for the truth.

  9. over 7 years ago on The Buckets

    True, but six ounces of Greek yogurt mixed with a half cup of strawberries, a half cup of blueberries, a heaping tablespoon of chopped walnuts or almonds, and drizzled with a touch of honey is a great option.

  10. over 7 years ago on Clay Bennett

    The solution to Abortion is providing the best sex education available in our public schools. In the Netherlands it begins in elementary school and continues thru to graduation. They have the lowest rate of unwanted pregnancies in the world. Therefore, lowest abortion rate per capita. I believe in “Religious Freedom” for everyone, BUT going back to the Dark Ages Is not part of my Religion.