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Mark.wieser Free

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  1. about 13 years ago on John Deering

    I guess the ass really fits the Democrat Party then.

  2. about 13 years ago on Family Tree

    You people will never get it. The Democrat party is now firmly in the hands of socialist. They stand for everything that is anti-American. If some wish to blame Congress, consider that the Democrats in the Senate have failed their constitutional duties by not passing a budget in over 1,000 days. Who’s fault it that? Obama has now said he will not obey the law to present a budget. They may bash President Bush all they want, but his GPR at Yale was higher than Senator Kerry’s. I know President Bush. He is a kind man and smarter than most will every recognize. Of course, a liberal magazine will rate him as the worst in history. Just wait 100 years and see where historicans will rank our current president.