Dragonfly blue

Berean Free

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Recent Comments

  1. over 3 years ago on Flo and Friends

    Haven’t you people heard about TikTok? It’s a social media website online, check it out! Here’s a really good example, a favorite of mine: 1roy_jr

  2. almost 4 years ago on Off the Mark

    You must be a Demoncrat! Yes, I spelled it correctly.

  3. almost 4 years ago on Glasbergen Cartoons

    AND, they publish a newsmagazine with the same name!

  4. almost 4 years ago on Glasbergen Cartoons

    And don’t forget to call Newsmax! Look it up if you don’t know what it is…… It’s the BEST new CONSERVATIVE news program on TV!

  5. almost 4 years ago on Grand Avenue

    Ooooo! Earl Grey Supreme from Harney & Sons in Millerton, New York! That’s one of my 2 favorites from that company! The other favorite is Hot Cinnamon Spice – oh, what great teas they blend and sell! Harney & Sons sells online – just type in the company name and see all the varieties they make and sell. Some grocery stores also sell some of their teas in tins, and that is how I discovered them. www.harney.com

  6. over 4 years ago on Speechless

    I know Len is in Heaven, as I am a born again believer, as Len was. Like all of you, I will miss his wonderful artwork, and maybe the angels in Heaven will be treated to some of his work! Sarah, thank you for letting us know the sad news, and may our Lord bring you and your family comfort and peace.

  7. over 4 years ago on Ziggy

    “BREAFAST?” What is that? Now THAT’s a typo!

  8. almost 5 years ago on The Other Coast

    Margo, that’s spelled Roomba, and I have one. I named her Rosie, like the robot maid that the Jetsons had. Do you remember that old animated series from years ago, called The Jetsons? It’s on Youtube, like so many shows & movies.

  9. almost 5 years ago on Speechless

    All you need to do to have countless images for your use (Including red hearts) is to download Emoji to your computer (if you don’t already have it, but don’t know that you do). Here’s how to do it: click on this address https://getemoji.com/ and it should load on your computer. When it’s finished, there should be a square icon at the top of your screen which you haven’t seen before. When you click on it, first thing you should see is a LOT of smileys. When you scroll down the screen, there will be many more images of many, many types, from animals, clothing & accessories, to nature, food & drink, activity and sports, objects, symbols, (THAT is where you’ll find hearts of several colors – yes, the big red heart you are asking about), and the last thing is flag emojis for every country! Have fun!

  10. about 5 years ago on The Other Coast

    Yes! I have been watching the Decorah nest for several years! We were so surprised when Dad vanished, never to be seen again, but 2 new males moved into Mom’s neighborhood the following year & she chose the one she’s with now. I am so impressed by the quality of the cams now! I stopped watching Decorah North a couple of years ago because the female eagle didn’t seem to be a very good mother, & some of her chicks died. Sad.