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  1. 11 months ago on Gasoline Alley

    STOP THIS INSANITY!! Scancarelli is continuing to destroy the comic’s heritage so badly, I wonder if it can ever recover!

  2. about 1 year ago on Gasoline Alley

    For several weeks we have seen humans talking back and forth with a bear. This strip is SO FAR from what King and Moore developed. It is sad to see Scancarelli destroy this strip that used to develop stories (rational stories) that basically centered around the Wallet family with occasional sidelines to other resident characters. (such as Pert, Doc, etc) and the MIA members of the Wallet family. Where are Judy, Gideon, Corky, and Chipper, among many others??). King and Moore had stories with positive values and the strength of family, all told with humor and sentiment. I have notebooks of all the strips from January 1973 until April 1986. At least I can go back and revisit this comic when it was WORTH READING.

  3. about 1 year ago on Gasoline Alley

    I am so tired of this direction Scancarelli has taken this beloved strip. Talking animals that communicate with humans, a talking doll that invokes time travel, the Molehill Highlanders, Joel’s mule thinking in English, etc. This was created as a daily comic young and old alike could enjoy. King and Moores told stories about family and friends, or characters that popped into their lives for a short time. The stories could be heartwarming, nostalgic, comical. They presented a view of life as it was being lived then. The characters grew and matured through life. And they gave time to Walt’s entire family. When was the last time we saw—even for one day—Chipper, Judy, Gideon, Nubbin, etc.? This was a strong pro-family strip for family. When Mr Scancarelli presents an absurd plot that I think is his worst, he dreams up another to top it. Bring back the characters and positive values we loved and admired this strip for all these past years when King and then Moores were in control!

  4. about 11 years ago on Dick Tracy

    The continuity in these daily panels is awful. We get a snippet of a story and then it switches to something else and then it switches again to another plot, and none of them have been resolved. There is no mystery that takes weeks to unravel. No intricately plotted stories. When Tracy does shoot the bad guy, it’s all neatly tied up in a day. These stories are written for children…young children at that. If the present team cannot give us the Dick Tracy of Gould and Collins, they should hang up their hats. This strip has become such a mess, it would have been better to let it go out on top, rather than sink to this all time low.

  5. about 11 years ago on Gasoline Alley

    I’ve been out of the story loop for some time and recently rediscovered this strip here online. I remember when Clovia & Slim took in Rover, the small lollypop sucking boy. Now he’s grown and married. But when did Gretchen come along? Is she their natural child? Any history about her I should know? Thanks to any long time reader for whatever info you can supply!