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sleekweasel Free

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  1. over 1 year ago on Endtown

    Unless that ‘snap’ was him snapping what’s left of his arm out of the wall, and taking some of the wall with it.

  2. over 2 years ago on Endtown

    Hah! I didn’t do too terribly with my transcription from the horribly blurry version:

    … Then shall our names, familiar in [her] mouth and household [wathing fighffle, floombonce and whhthfftr gladjack] and [epo bleebo] and the mighty metal [funwater] be in their flowing cups [freshly remembered].

    … and shall we stack their earlobes high so that upon the morn, the sight shall make strong men tremble and weak men chunder.

  3. over 2 years ago on Endtown

    … Then shall our names, familiar in [her] mouth and household [wathing fighffle, floombonce and whhthfftr gladjack] and [epo bleebo] and the mighty metal [funwater] be in their flowing cups [freshly remembered].

    … and shall we stack their earlobes high so that upon the morn, the sight shall make strong men tremble and weak men chunder.

  4. over 3 years ago on Endtown

    I’m aware of that, but the triangles in the upper left of each lens still resemble pointy fangs, and the smaller highlights other teeth, to me.

  5. over 3 years ago on Endtown

    I like how the reflections in the lenses look like teeth.

  6. over 3 years ago on Endtown

    5 fingers – with these ‘awake transition’ monsters, it could easily be 25!

  7. almost 4 years ago on Endtown

    Wally doesn’t look happy.

    The suit was crumpled and the glove’s little finger is crumpled, so some sort of anthro, and with a flattish face. Another cat maybe.

    I’m still thinking a copy of one of the existing characters.

  8. almost 4 years ago on Endtown

    Mr Suit is going to look just like Cracked Cat! Oh, no – two of them!

  9. about 4 years ago on Endtown

    I wonder whether Wally is the star to whom they referred: Duffy has a ‘side-kick’, so he could also be the star.

  10. over 4 years ago on Endtown

    Best hope she’s immune to the reality warp! Or Aaron in disguise.