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  1. almost 14 years ago on Dog Eat Doug

    And smother you in shedding fur!

  2. almost 14 years ago on Dog Eat Doug

    This is our our Lab-Pointer mix, “Princess” she has only two settings (even at the grand old age of 9 years) “Off” and “ON”

    Sorry fellow Lab and Lab mixes owners… This is VERY accurate.

  3. about 14 years ago on Cul de Sac

    Hayes believed in meritocratic government, equal treatment without regard to race, and improvement through education.

    He had pledged to serve only ONE term as President and did NOT run for re-election.

  4. about 14 years ago on Cul de Sac

    Hey Petey!

    Several things about Hayes: Three times Governor of the State of Ohio,

    Closest Presidential election ever (smaller margin than Bush Vs Gore), his Democrat opponent won the popular vote, concession to END RECONSTRUCTION in the Southern States (after the Civil War) with the Democrats in Congress lead to his winning the Electoral College Vote.

    Returned to the Gold Standard for backing U.S. “greenbacks” and averted a currency devaluation crisis.

    Made a treaty with China, which included immigration and KEPT TO IT, when most of the Republicans wanted to INVALIDATE the Treaty.

    Started the massive reform of Federal Civil Service, from all patronage jobs to competitive jobs.

    And… Hayes believed in meritocratic government, equal treatment without regard to race, and improvement through education.

    He had pledge to serve only ONE term and did NOT run for re-election.

    I had to do a college paper on him… you’re welcomed.