gogogigi Free

Love things great & small, laughing,(it perks me up)before I go nuts. Like using my magic mute& disapearing wand. These r the things that keep me strong

Recent Comments

  1. about 14 years ago on One Big Happy

    Ahhhh…Chocolate-confections,a tidal waave just bursting & spashing as I try to swallow so not to spit. Wiping my lips to contain my love juices awaiting the gift of those hands working magical sweets. The thought get my eyes rolling! Please Lady vldazzle won’t u be so kind as to work your magical wonders & send Joe & me ur delightfull, delectable & soothing marvels of wonderous tasty sweets. I’m under the spell ,(aphrodisiac-they say?!)not big enough a word, to describe the spell I’m under! I feel 50 minus the zero ! The only way to shut me up is to give me a piece of fine hazzlenut black & white….no, any sort will do it! *Sorry for the extensive posts,will make em short & sweet next time.

  2. about 14 years ago on One Big Happy

    Gee,I’m astonished with this site! Love the way it’s easy to navigate,search & find all the stuff. Not only r these funny but the posts can be just as hilarious sometimes! I mean I laugh when I read the strip but I crack even more with the posts. It’s so refreshing compared too just takin a comic book & read alone. Here you get feed-back,comment & different views on the message drawn from the strip. Even educational & informative too…runar-Genious- I,m addicted to this site! My cheeks r sore.

  3. about 14 years ago on One Big Happy

    Aren’t kids that age loveably cute & funny! Well I say ,post it! Too funny,can imagine the grand-pa wakin up to them sticky notes. Guess he’d know who done that. Come on he fell asleep on the poor kid,was she so boring…she had to pull a prank on him. Its know grand-fathers pull good pranks on kids all the time. Nothing better than to listen to the giggles of a care-free spirit of a 5-6 yrs old. How 3 generations view life…each acting they’re respective ages…lol Perspective-boundaries-etc…good title!

  4. about 14 years ago on One Big Happy

    Yuk! The comments r as good to read as the strip! Lovin it :D

  5. about 14 years ago on One Big Happy

    ” That’s why I love to use pencils”…Especially since that time, I had re-written my new phone book with an easy flowing pen. Felt nice,glided easily on the paper. Loved the feel. Till that time; I was in some emergency situation outside in the rain…Needless to say,what followed just broke me down. I dropped my precious new phonebook in the puddles beneath my feet. Not so bad? It’ll dry, I thought! It’ll be a little crumply, but hey,that’s life. Due to the emergency, I needed to make some more calls. You all ever used them soft gliding kinda ink pens, that when wet, just makes a big smudge ot it all….? Oh yes! I’m talkin bout em days when all that can go wrong will go wrong! That day was one of them!!! To think all my phone numbers collected over the yrs. Since my memory is some-what flawed for names. All I had were first name associated with the faces. I had thrown out the old copy of these phone #’s & adresses with postal codes,birthdays, anniversaries…etc… Since that day I swore I’d never take one of them pens in my hands ever again! huhhhh… My new phone-book was just a big smeary smudge of blue ink! There ain’t no tool to fix that…! Now I keep 3 copies of my contact info…It’s no big deal to take 2 hrs to re-write, but when u need to use phone books, think of asking them #’s to every one when you see them..etc…Oh all that hassle…Blaaaahhh…I’ll try to erase this last painfull paragraph from my memory. Imagine some-one who writes a term school paper with this kinda pen & gets it soaked….that’s when one wishes either to die, or break everything! shoot not to say sht…lol