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Oh look, they had the same government that we have today. WOW, isn’t that nice…
If two’s company and three’s a crowd, then that means crowd therapy doesn’t it?
Write idea, wrong sspeed…
RCMinor, you also seem to have it together. Praise the thinkers.
Hey SCATTY_423, you got it right. It’s nice to know that there are still intelligent people in the world that truly understand, WHAT’S REALLY GOING ON! PEACE Y’all
Very interesting, but shtupid…
Hazaah Rodney
Well this is just silly, I don’t have regular checks, just a debit card. Wow, that Doc is good. And I was awake the whole time.
Better go online and check my balance
HEY, I’m short 12 cents.
Oh look, they had the same government that we have today. WOW, isn’t that nice…