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Recent Comments

  1. almost 2 years ago on Nancy Classics

    Gotta wonder whether this strip inspired Snoopy’s fight with the lawn chair in “A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving.”

  2. about 2 years ago on Doonesbury

    Today’s strip may be a direct take on a recent widely discussed article in The Atlantic: do a web search for “Why Boys Should Start School a Year Later than Girls – The Atlantic”.

    Summary: boys are often 2 or 3 years behind girls of the same age in terms of emotional/social development (“It’s not just that they’re different genders; it’s like they’re different species”).

    Highly recommended reading for parents of young children, both boys and girls.

  3. about 3 years ago on Nancy Classics

    Interesting similarity of last panel with today’s Peanuts:


  4. almost 4 years ago on Nancy Classics

    Train cars are often run on dedicated “train tracks” that are not on the street.

  5. almost 4 years ago on Nancy Classics


  6. almost 4 years ago on Nancy Classics


  7. almost 4 years ago on Nancy Classics


  8. almost 4 years ago on Doonesbury

    In defense of GBT, Alex did NOT turn her head 180 degrees in the last panel. Maybe about 140 degrees, and we’re seeing her largely from behind as she looks back at her dad over her right shoulder (notice how much more of her back we see than in the first panel.) The hardest thing to draw in portraiture — for me anyway — is a rear quarter view of the face, and that’s what we’re seeing here.

  9. about 14 years ago on Peanuts

    So here are the known knowns:

    To optimize the viewing experience we should switch to a browser used by less than 2% of the population.

    Even when we do switch, the zoomed version will not look as good as before.

    Viewers who use the same monitor resolution as before will find the strips are now smaller and clicking on them makes them more pixellated.

    The original publication date is no longer included.

    Someone is still colorizing every day’s strip, largely ruining them for many readers (coming soon: vividly-colored renditions of Ansel Adams’ most famous black-and-white photos!)

    Teething problems are inevitable, so I’ll give this about another week. I want it to succeed, but if things don’t improve, it’s back to the printed versions for me.

  10. about 14 years ago on Peanuts

    So here are the known knowns:

    –To optimize the viewing experience we should switch to a browser used by less than 2% of the population.

    –Even when we do switch, the zoomed version will not look as good as before.

    –Viewers who use the same monitor resolution as before will find the strips are now smaller and clicking on them makes them more pixellated.

    –The original publication date is no longer included.

    –Someone is still colorizing every day’s strip, largely ruining them for many readers (coming soon: vividly-colored renditions of Ansel Adams’ most famous black-and-white photos!)

    Teething problems are inevitable, so I’ll give this about another week. I want it to succeed, but if things don’t improve, it’s back to the printed versions for me.