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  1. about 11 years ago on Doonesbury

    As the daughter of a firefighter (long before SCBA, helmets, turn out gear & when asbestos was thought to be the fireman’s "friend), the mother of another and having worked as a “social member” of a fire department for many years, I find todays strip highly offensive. Maybe I missed the “message”, but it’s long been known that firefighters (and yes, police), rush in when all others rush out ( REMEMBER 9/11???), I’m very offended by the attitude todays strip seems to portray. Anyone of these brave men & women, if told when sirens wail and pagers tone, that they’d not be going home this day, almost without exclusion they would tell you “ok, but if I can save one life today, mine would not be lost in vain”. I personally think the author of this strip and the papers who printed it should be put on a fire line or asked to man a hose while entering a burning structure — then perhaps they’d put out the apology I feel is more than necessary!!! Remember, just a short time ago 9 brave men fighting to save lives and property gave theirs in that service. Apologize, at least, to their families and all those who perished on 9/11.