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  1. about 14 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Calvin always was and will be the best comic strip in existence. I always made a b-line for the newspaper during ‘study hall’ back in high school just so I could read the newest Calvin and Hobbes strip.

    His imagination; incredible, his sarcasm, a complete riot; and his Dad was always giving him plenty of opportunities to ‘build character’ which obviously vastly increased his adorable yet slightly warped personality.

    Calvin; a real kid in America today, or perhaps a child possessing a mere 15%-30% of Calviness, simply would not exist. At 6 months old, he would’ve been mis-diagnosed with ADHD, multiply personalities, accused of being unable to recognize authority, extremely rebellious, etc. They’d shove all sorts of medication into him, find someone to blame for his ‘behavior and lock them up, then destroy what was once a happy child with years of ‘therapy’.

    We’re all lucky he was created before the “Psychiatrists for Perpetually Prescribing People Pills” invaded our world!