Let’s train young girls in the martial arts so that they can defend themselves. My brothers were given karate classes, but no-one thought of giving them to me. Ballet instead… not so great for fending off unwanted advances and blows. I would have used a few kicks and chops over the years to defend myself. Violent, stalker deranged types will come back when released…to exact their revenge. Women have been victims for far too long
Has anyone noticed that this strip is no longer funny? I also feel it is inappropriate material in case any children still read comic strips. Will they be asking mommy about the “shaming wand?” We need political satire that makes us grimace and grin simultaneously.
Reading this post gave me a sudden wrench in my gut…I have been thinking similar thoughts. Now that we see the truth about the power dynamics in this country, how do we get out of this morass? Our future generations deserve better.
I remember the Scrooge McDuck money bath. I read the comics as a kid…but if memory serves me right, he took a bath in an old fashioned tub, not a swimming pool with laps. Is this part of the ironic commentary of millionaire/billionaire excess?
This strip inspired my day! Thanks!!!