Most estimates show between 350-400 MILLION guns in the United States…guns are not the problem. If they were the issue, there would be a lot more dead people, fortunately gun owners are generally much more responsible.
Obviously the above does not pertain to the criminal elements amongst us…Some of the problems mass media skips right over?1 – Liberal politicians thinking they can control people are a problem2 – Politicians making “gun free” zone that makes it easy for a person to obtain their 15 minutes of fame in order to ease their defective brain/mental issue3 – Failure to hold parents accountable for their actions (or inactions) when it comes to ensuring their child can operate in society4 – Politicians failing to enforce the hundreds of current gun laws already on the books5 – Politicians making it easier for the criminal element to make their “cash-free” bail to get back out on the street and offend again6 – Societal issues where offenders are protected by their neighbors against “the man”7 – Liberals trying to “defund the police”8 – Failure of our healthcare system to detect, treat, and/or confine those with mental issues9 – Whiny liberals trying to strip the 2nd Amendment from our lives to make even more of us victims10 – You never see an anti-gun politician travel without security staff, just another hypocrite overlooked by the mass media
Guns are not a health issue…the lack of mental health is an issue.
I’ve been around guns most of my life, served in the military, and never had a gun attack me. Most estimates show between 350-400 MILLION guns in the United States…guns are not the problem. If they were the issue, there would be a lot more dead people, fortunately gun owners are generally much more responsible.Obviously the above does not pertain to the criminal elements amongst us…Some of the problems mass media skips right over?1 – Liberal politicians thinking they can control people are a problem2 – Politicians making “gun free” zone that makes it easy for a person to obtain their 15 minutes of fame in order to ease their defective brain/mental issue3 – Failure to hold parents accountable for their actions (or inactions) when it comes to ensuring their child can operate in society4 – Politicians failing to enforce the hundreds of current gun laws already on the books5 – Politicians making it easier for the criminal element to make their “cash-free” bail to get back out on the street and offend again6 – Societal issues where offenders are protected by their neighbors against “the man”7 – Liberals trying to “defund the police”8 – Failure of our healthcare system to detect, treat, and/or confine those with mental issues9 – Whiny liberals trying to strip the 2nd Amendment from our lives to make even more of us victims10 – You never see an anti-gun politician travel without security staff, just another hypocrite overlooked by the mass media
Sorry to disappoint, but I don’t support “every” anything…
Republicans are just the lesser evil of the two political parties. People have always had an evil streak…Some people crave attention and in today’s environment, being a “mass killer” guarantees more than 15 minutes of fame as:1) The mass media beats the incident into the ground with nonstop coverage/publicity.2) The Democraps come out IMMEDIATELY declaring it a gun control issue that they must address to save us all; without all the facts being determined.And even though the majority of mass shootings are in “gun free zones” Democraps helped establish in the first place.
Look at all the effort wasted to prosecute people who spent about FOUR hours expressing their displeasure with the election (Jan 6th) compared to the lack of prosecutions of the pro-Palestinian college crowds who destroyed buildings and property, threatened pro-Israel students, and shut down the campuses across the country for DAYS, depriving people of an education they PAID for!
Technically Hunter Biden did NOT pay his back taxes, almost $5 MILLION dollars, but Hollywood Attorney Kevin Morris did. Because Kevin Morris was “moved by” Hunter’s struggles…Yeah, right.
I would, but luckily, I am not the one making the decision. So, find and read the article…
“The academic community, which was not concerned about the massacres in Syria, nor the massacre in Somalia, nor the mistreatment inflicted on the Uighurs, nor the millions of Kurds persecuted by the Turkish regime for decades, this very worried community, which wears “arafatkas” [keffiyehs], the trademark of murderers, around their necks at rallies under the slogan “Liberate Palestine from the river to the sea”, which means the total destruction of Israel (and Israelis). “Academics”, as polls show, have no idea where this river is, what it is called, where certain borders are located.”
Yep, to a lesser degree supposedly. Search for “saveralphmovie”, or “save ralph movie”.