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Weegel Free

Police technical advisor and CRIMESTOPPER contributor for DICK TRACY

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  1. almost 5 years ago on Dick Tracy

    Some news from Team Tracy that I though you all might be interested in.

    Today the Mystery Writers of America announced the Edgar Awards for the best in mystery fiction. This year they introduced a new category, the Sue Grafton Memorial Award, given to the novel that best exemplifies the quality and type of crime fiction Ms. Grafton wrote.

    The winner of the first Grafton Award is none other than the editor of the DICK TRACY strip, Tracy Clark, who writes private eye novels in addition to her work as an editor at Tribune Content Agency.She won it for BORROWED TIME, the second book in her series featuring former Chicago cop turned PI Cass Raines.Hearty congratulation, Tracy. And I’m sure I speak for all the Dick Tracy fans at GoComics in extending this heartfelt mazel tov!

  2. over 5 years ago on Dick Tracy

    Heard from Mike Curtis late last night.He’s heard back from his doctor. He does not have an aneurysm, after all. He does have a slightly enlarged blood vessel, but it is not life-threatening.What he has raised on the GoFundMe site so far shouldb e sufficient to meet his needs.All of Mike’s friends will have something to be very thankful for next week.

  3. over 5 years ago on Dick Tracy

    It’s not about politics. It’s about helping out a friend.

    Please, everyone, try to keep your eye on the ball.


  4. over 5 years ago on Dick Tracy

    Consider it addressed to both of you. but you’re the one being listed as responding to something I said.

    And to both of you I say, this is not about grinding your political axes. It’s about alerting you that Mike needs help.

  5. over 5 years ago on Dick Tracy

    This is, once again, not an occasion for grinding a political ax.Mike needs help. That’s the priority, and that’s why I started this thread.

  6. over 5 years ago on Dick Tracy

    Once more, this is not the place or the forum for you to grind a political ax.

    It’s about helping Mike.

  7. over 5 years ago on Dick Tracy

    You’ll never convince me, and, in any case, as I said, this is not the form to discuss this issue, so let’s just agree to disagree, and focus on helping Mike.

  8. over 5 years ago on Dick Tracy

    To the best of my knowledge, no. He’s a free-lancer, so, unless he signed up for ObamaCare, I don’t think he has any.

    If he does, it’s not covering all his expenses.

  9. over 5 years ago on Dick Tracy

    I’m not a fan of socialized healthcare in any respect, but the discussion here should focus on Mike, not on polictical issues.

  10. over 5 years ago on Dick Tracy


    I wanted to make you all aware that Mike Curtis is suffering from an aneurysm near his left ear.

    His medical expenses are going to be pretty high, so he’s set up an account at GoFundMe.

    You can find it here:


    He needs $10,000. Right now, he’s up to about $350.

    If a hundred people gave $100, that would put him over.

    If two hundred gave $50, that would put him over.

    Whether or not you can afford to donate something, I’m sure he’d appreciate all your prayers and good thoughts.

    If any of you are members of the Dick Tracy Yahoo! Group, I would appreciate you copying this and posting it there.

    Thank you.