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  1. about 12 years ago on PreTeena

    This is a comic strip. It’s meant to be funny and it is.

  2. almost 13 years ago on PreTeena

    Beauty and the Geek, a musical based on PreTeena, written by Allison Barrows debuts in Keene, NH May 10th and 11th of 2012. Tickets are available at the Colonial Theater, Keene, NH or at http://www.thecolonial.org/CalendarOfEvents.htm. There is a new PreTeena book out titled “It’s Like Like” – very funny. I found it at www.preteena.com.

  3. almost 13 years ago on PreTeena

    Beauty and the Geek, a musical based on PreTeena, written by Allison Barrows debuts in Keene, NH May 10th and 11th of 2012. Tickets are available at the Colonial Theater, Keene, NH or at http://www.thecolonial.org/CalendarOfEvents.htm. There is a new PreTeena book out titled “It’s Like Like” – very funny. I found it at www.preteena.com.

  4. about 13 years ago on PreTeena

    There is a new PreTeena book out titled “It’s Like Like” – very funny. I found it at www.preteena.com. Also there is word a musical has been written based on PreTeena and will debut in the northeast May of 2012. It is titled Beauty and the Geek.

  5. about 13 years ago on PreTeena

    I love their interaction. There is a new PreTeena book out titled “It’s Like Like” – very funny. I found it at www.preteena.com. Also there is word a musical has been written based on PreTeena and will debut in the northeast May of 2012. It is titled Beauty and the Geek.

  6. about 13 years ago on PreTeena

    There is a new PreTeena book out titled “It’s Like Like” – very funny. I found it at www.preteena.com. Also there is word a musical has been written based on PreTeena and will debut in the northeast May of 2012. It is titled Beauty and the Geek.

  7. about 13 years ago on PreTeena

    Here’s a new discovery. There is a new PreTeena book out titled “It’s Like Like” – very funny. I found it at www.preteena.com. Also there is word a musical has been written based on PreTeena and will debut in the northeast May of 2012.

  8. about 13 years ago on PreTeena

    I love this week’s strips.

    There is a new PreTeena book out titled “It’s Like Like” – very funny. I found it at www.preteena.com. Also there is word a musical has been written based on PreTeena and will debut in the northeast May of 2012.

  9. over 13 years ago on PreTeena

    Actually her comedic strength is in poetry.

    There is a new PreTeena book out titled “It’s Like Like” – very funny. I found it at www.preteena.com. Also there is word a musical has been written based on PreTeena and will debut in the northeast May of 2012.

  10. over 13 years ago on PreTeena

    PreTeena newsThere is a new PreTeena book out titled “It’s Like Like” – very funny. I found it at www.preteena.com. Also there is word a musical has been written based on PreTeena and will debut in the northeast May of 2012.