Once upon a time, I was like those two when it came to working in my grandfather’s garden or snapping beans with granny, but now…. oh, what I wouldn’t give to have just one of those days back for a do-over.
Some of my least favorite candies I’d inevitably get on Halloween as a kid: Necco wafers, sweeties, candy necklaces or bracelets, circus peanuts, anything licorice, anything butterscotch, those weird candies in the orange or black papers (peanut butter kisses), caramel creams (the texture bugged me) … I’m sure there were more but those will forever be in my mind.
Ever hear of the saying “better safe than sorry”? It’s Lynn’s decision, or her agent’s or whoever and the reasons really don’t matter, do they? It’s her property and she can do with it what she likes.
Maybe because, by changing the year, it technically created a new strip. It’s no longer the original publication, causing the need for renewing the copyright.
Once upon a time, I was like those two when it came to working in my grandfather’s garden or snapping beans with granny, but now…. oh, what I wouldn’t give to have just one of those days back for a do-over.