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Aslan Balaur Free

Being part lion and part dragon, I can never find a suit that fits right off the rack.

Recent Comments

  1. about 9 hours ago on Breaking Cat News

    A glitter box?

  2. about 9 hours ago on Breaking Cat News

    That’s the best idea yet! Make it a neighbor you hate!

  3. 29 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    I’ll give up my iced tea when they pry it from my poor dead heat-stroked fingers!!!!!Now, for relaxing in the evening, just about any hot pot of tea (except Earl Grey,,, bleah) really hits the spot. Even a good strong “breakfast blend” does not keep me awake at night!

  4. about 1 month ago on Breaking Cat News

    Non-Premium, on Chrome, and yeah, huge ad covering the top ¼ of the screen. Go-Comics screen real estate is becoming more and more ad space covered every day. Glad all I come here for is BCN. If I had to go through this for all my comic needs, I’d give up comics. I wish BCN could be found somewhere other than here.

  5. about 1 month ago on Breaking Cat News

    tips hat Thanks, kindly.

  6. about 1 month ago on Breaking Cat News

    Congrats, Skipper, to The Boy & The Fiancee.

    I saw “Name Change” and assumed someone lese was doing as I am, and legally changing it, as Mom’s Second Husband (hereafter "The Pedo) is now OUT of my life, as Mom passed in Feb, and I don’t have to explain to her why I don’t want to keep his name (given when I was 5) That info would have killed her sooner, I think, and I wanted to avoid that.

    Weddings are usually so much more fun. Cat knows I enjoyed mine 24 years and two weeks ago! I wish all the best to The Boy and The Fiancee!!

  7. 3 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    I am a 20 minute drive from the western edge of the world. Nothing but Pacific Ocean until you reach Japan. No eclipse for me. :(

  8. 3 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    HEY! A Vermonter on here! I am originally from Winooski but haven’t been home since 1992! How’s the Green Mountain state fairing?

  9. 3 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    sigh I always miss all the fun. TOTAL cloud cover and two time zones away from totality. It’s ALWAYS cloudy for meteor showers, eclipses (both solar and lunar) or displays of the Northern Lights.

  10. 3 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    Sweet dreams are made of cheeseWho am I to dis a BrieI cheddar the world and a Feta cheeseEverybody’s looking for Stilton

    Some cheese wants to be Bleu, tooSome cheese wants to be Buchette d’AnjouSome cheese wants to be cubedSome cheese will be braided by you

    Sweet dreams are made of cheeseColby or Chevre, if you pleaseI ferment the milk and then I squeezeEverybody needs penicillium

    Mold is better, on the rindMold is better, leaves taste behindMold is better, cheese is confinedMold is better, use my enzymes

    Some cheese ought to be gratedNo cheese should be ammoniatedSome cheese will always be hatedNo cheese wants to be called rancid

    Sweet dreams are made of cheeseCasein and rennet curdle it with easeWhey from the curds it eventually freesThe best cheese comes from Vermont!

    With apologies to Cyraneau de Beargerac, song parody writer, could not leave Wisconsin in there!