The Jacquard silk loom, invented in 1801, used punch cards to control which color thread was woven in at each “stitch” to make pictures, abstract designs etc.
We’d get reams of the green/white tractor paper for coloring and doodling on. Piles of it, sometimes up to 5 or 6 inches thick.It was how Civil Air Patrol tracked its inventory.
Many many Moon’s ago, my mother had a job in the US Army doing something with computers and punch cards at Fort Knox. She never said what, and sadly, it’s too late to ask, but she claimed she could look at a punch card and know what it said.I am doing great if I can understand C++ code. Though I do remember some Basic from 1981.
Happy orbit day. I am beginning to wonder, tho. Does there come a point when they are no longer worth counting? They seem to be coming around too often.
You make me so glad I have a really big oven, and keep my racks low, so I never have to deal with “oh, @#*!” Day!! Plus, this year I am spatchcocking the turkey, so a higher rack height still works.
The Jacquard silk loom, invented in 1801, used punch cards to control which color thread was woven in at each “stitch” to make pictures, abstract designs etc.