Ok, Andrea Guidetti, a few things wrong with that.First: it’s 12 people on the High Council not 5.Second: that makes 7 people needed to get something to pass.Third: sence the council can’t talk to eash other with out all of them hearing, there are no back door agreements.Fourth: sence it SHOULD be random who is picked to do it, then it’s near impossible to get 7+ people with the same views unless most of Endtown think that same way. So there should be no stacking of the deck.Fith: this system is only flawed in how many people could get to the picking system. The mayor could, he would take poeple off the list for helping him. That shows that there IS acessess to the system. It should have NO way to acessess it directly.Sixth: Any system of governing a body of people is flawed as soon as you add humans to the system.
Wait for http://www.breakingcatnews.com/comic/theres-a-button-under-the-computer-desk-that-makes-the-man-scream/