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Outcault Premium

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Recent Comments

  1. over 1 year ago on Bliss

    This is a mystery. Is he calling for a bigger pair of boots?

  2. over 1 year ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Thank god I’m a country boy!

  3. almost 2 years ago on Gasoline Alley

    Given the history of this feature over the past century (and the context of how its characters age and sometimes die), this was a most disquieting strip to read this morning.

  4. almost 2 years ago on Dick Tracy

    I like this strip. I do; I read it every day. But it’s difficult not to acknowledge that “Video Village” and “Boom or Bust” references aside, this has been a very disappointing storyline. There was very little to it, and regardless of the menace of the fake “Time Bomb” bomb, not much suspense. This felt very mechanical and uninspired. I remain a reader, and even a faithful one, but the strip hasn’t been involving for a while.

  5. about 2 years ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Sometimes… when you don’t expect it… …a comic strip can be both silly/ridiculous and surprisingly eloquent.

  6. about 2 years ago on Dick Tracy

    That is much better wording, I think.

  7. about 2 years ago on Dick Tracy

    In the 1988 movie WILLOW, George Lucas and Ron Howard playfully named a two-headed monster “Eborsisk.”

  8. over 2 years ago on Dick Tracy

    I wonder whether Twain would have been amused by President Nixon and others who advised subpoenaed witnesses to simply testify, “I don’t recall.”

  9. over 2 years ago on Dick Tracy

    Remember, if the cel has the words “Johnny Quest” written on it somewhere, it may be a forgery! The lad spelled his name “Jonny.”

  10. over 2 years ago on JumpStart

    This was a superb, funny and heartfelt tribute to Schulz, completely in keeping with the abundant spirit of JumpStart.. Also, it’s always great to see Franklin!