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Recent Comments

  1. about 13 years ago on Dick Tracy

    darn! mrbribery beat me to it! :)

  2. almost 14 years ago on Dick Tracy

    Man I love those huge signs that point out stuff! EVIDENCE BAG. I love it, and very cool. BTW, I turned the 44 myself just yesterday! So Happy BDAY Marqueritem!

  3. almost 14 years ago on Dick Tracy

    Man ! I love those huge arrows pointing out stuff! EVIDENCE. So cool.

  4. almost 14 years ago on Dick Tracy

    YEs! I remember Little Boy Beard. Wasn’t he in the Spots and Ogden the poet series with Fresh Upp and MOthaw? Perhaps Ogden served as wndrwrthg’s inspiration? He is alot better than Ogden EVER was however!

  5. almost 14 years ago on Dick Tracy

    Wow, this is the FIRST time since the Spiderman strip from the late 70’s that I’ve WANTED to follow a strip so much! Great job!

  6. almost 14 years ago on Dick Tracy

    Great topic! So far this current story is really cool. I was first introduced to Tracy through those SAturday morning Archies TV Funnies also, but soon after, my mom bought me DC’s Limited Collector’s Edition of Dick Tracy featuring the original Gould strips with the first Flattop appearance also introducing Vitamin Flintheart. What a great way to start on Tracy!

  7. almost 14 years ago on Dick Tracy

    Hi All.. FInally signed up today, but have been reading since the first days of Mordred. Been a Tracy fan for a long time, since DC Comimcs published the Limited Collector’s Edition back in the 70’s recalling the first appearance of Flattop, and Vitamin Flintheart. What a way to be introduced ! I was 9 or 10 I think. Anyway, I almost stopped reading the strip when the Mordred “story” showed up cause it was SO BAD. The only thing that kept me around was the reader comments section which were hilarious. I do agree Locher should be just left alone now. Anyway, looking forward to chatting you folks up.