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The earth’s climate has been fluctuating for billions of years, we may be helping a little but in the scheme of things, we are just a speck of dust on this planet, are we really that egocentric that we that powerful???
Nothing wrong with a Green Pepper and Onion Pizza once in a while.
I love my bed.
Anti American!!! I don’t need this strip anymore, too politically biased for my taste.
Look’s good to me :)
Give me a break !!!
I’m the king, in the last 9 months I have taken down 25 Cedar trees trying to make a yard. I can finally see the forest..
Must have used a power washer.
A girl’s gymnastic meet? may as well make the best out of the situation :)
Good one :)
The earth’s climate has been fluctuating for billions of years, we may be helping a little but in the scheme of things, we are just a speck of dust on this planet, are we really that egocentric that we that powerful???