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david.hill Free

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  1. almost 6 years ago on Luann Againn

    You may never ever encounter any problem in life such as that, but the organized, logical thought process that goes into solving that problem is very useful in everyday life. Albert Einstein once said that “thinking is very hard work, that’s why so few people do it.” Perhaps the lack of exercising of the gray matter is one of many reasons we have so many snowflakes running around acting on emotion instead of rational thought.

  2. about 8 years ago on Bloom County

    Has everyone forgotten about the Greatest? Red Skelton! He was always funny and never racy.

  3. almost 9 years ago on Dick Tracy


  4. almost 9 years ago on Inspector Danger's Crime Quiz

    I thought they were headphones…

  5. over 9 years ago on Health Capsules

    And you had the audacity to compare sugar addiction to that of heroine and cocaine, how utterly and completely naive.

  6. over 10 years ago on NEUROTICA

    She needs the Lord in her heart to help her appreciate life.

  7. over 10 years ago on Scott Stantis

    The absolute BEST real life example is in North Korea. Almost perfect to the T!

  8. almost 11 years ago on Baldo

    Exactly, True communism will never exist so long as mankind has selfishness and greed embedded in their heart…. I took it for granted that everyone knew this.

    So again, Over all though which system has been better for the masses of people? Which system would you most like to live in??

  9. almost 11 years ago on Baldo

    I agree all political parties are absolutely corrupt. I think it is a choice of the better of two evils. Over all though which system has been better for the masses of people? Which system would you most like to live in??

  10. almost 11 years ago on Baldo

    In a true communistic state there is ultimate freedom is a correct statement. The problem is that it is made up of humans which ultimately fall to greed and power. Where is a true communistic state in the history of man that really works??