Watermelon avv

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Recent Comments

  1. 4 days ago on For Better or For Worse

    lazy? no, they are both half asleep and I’m sure neither wants to get out of bed. This time it is the hubby that gets up. I’m sure she’s been dealing with the dog all day.

  2. 18 days ago on Betty

    hush your mouth

  3. 23 days ago on Frazz

    as a Boomer, it seems our season of Taking Over is almost over. With decades of experience it is tough to hand over the reins, yet it has to happen.

  4. 23 days ago on Frazz

    my yard had “ground cover”, not turf so much. The important thing was to keep it down to 3 inches or less ( to avoid ticks. I hate ticks ). I will admit that there are some broad left plants and crab grasses that I pull up. Dandelions and plantain I usually leave alone.

  5. 23 days ago on Frazz

    I agree. no need to pull politics in here. Every election, national and local, there is someone people would like to see pulled out like a noxious weed.

  6. 23 days ago on Pickles

    doing a plank will just show me how dirty my floor is, then the next exercise will include a broom.

  7. 23 days ago on Arlo and Janis

    when hubby retired for go, we made aa huge change in our lifestyle. I have no regrets, but now and then I miss what we had. But that was a different season in our lives. We can enjoy our memories but must move forward.

  8. 24 days ago on Arlo and Janis

    we lived on the Chesapeake Bay years ago and now have a home base on the edge of the Gulf of Mexico. There is something special about each day ( except for the mosquitoes)

  9. 24 days ago on Drabble

    they do at the gas pumps meant for cars

  10. 30 days ago on Drabble

    why is he taking his car to the big truck diesel pumps? Or the RV fuel station? That’s where the long handled squeegees are. these are the questions that ruin the joke for me