I would “assume” that he was getting some sort of pay, but may have been holding out for more, and the reason Junior did away with him. Junior most likely got him a company ID so he could access hidden explosives without being questioned by any company security people.
@MàiriMuch territory in that area has changed hands for going back centuries. France and a lot of other countries in that area WERE German territory, until they lost the war, and only then, reverted back. If they had won the war, they would probably still be considered German territory. The same holds true when the Romans conquered and controlled huge territory areas. Africa has in our time also had big changes in who owns and controls areas. Russia has also taken over other countries that they now claim as being their own.
Sorry, but it is Internationally recognized as Israeli territory that is being hit by missiles and drone bombs, in addition to what Israel has bombed in Palestine.
I would “assume” that he was getting some sort of pay, but may have been holding out for more, and the reason Junior did away with him. Junior most likely got him a company ID so he could access hidden explosives without being questioned by any company security people.