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toothpickgrin Free

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Recent Comments

  1. about 11 years ago on In the Bleachers

    Looks like one of my student trainer’s tape job.

  2. about 11 years ago on Tank McNamara

    It’s simple. Enforce the rules that are already in place.

  3. almost 12 years ago on In the Bleachers

    Proof that hotdogs cause deformities!! Check out the ears…or is that some new body modification I don’t know about…

  4. over 12 years ago on In the Bleachers

    What was the name of that 1979 Aerosmith album???Oh, yeah, “Night in the Ruts”

  5. over 13 years ago on In the Bleachers

    For Athletic Trainers… That phone call is from the coach who forgot to tell you that they changed the day of the game… Happens all the time.