Successful runner

skipper1992 Free

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  1. 3 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    I was in the middle of typing my comment when The Woman called, so now I have to start over


    Will need wound care for a bit after I go home, but fortunately The DIL was a CNA in a previous life so she can assist with that.

    The pain is fortunately better controlled. Earlier this week I was giving them numbers I hadn’t given since the first 24 hours after my knee replacement.

    Obstacle to discharge is mostly fevers. I keep running them overnight, although last night I maxed out at 100.6, versus 102.7 the night prior.

    We’ll see what happens next.

  2. 3 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    *OT: medical update

  3. 3 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    I had the more minor procedure done a couple of hours ago. Although I screamed a couple of times while it was happening, I’m already in slightly less pain than I was. Further bulletins as needed

  4. 3 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    OT Update

  5. 3 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    This was not what I expected. Or wanted. I had an MRI yesterday that revealed a 5" abscess in my stump. And this morning I was given two options: a procedure to drain the abscess, or revision of the amputation (i.e. take off about two more inches of my leg). The question is if I want to try Step 1 or go straight to Step 2.

    Fortunately, a doctor who was an interested observer for my original surgery in 1981 (and who I’ve been in regular contact with over the years) is still in practice and I’ll be reaching out to him this morning.

  6. 3 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    OT Medical update

  7. 3 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    I believe more of the Orbsters than not are aware that part of my right leg was amputated in childhood. Last Friday I was having some fairly notable pain in my residual limb. By Sunday, I couldn’t even put weight on that leg. So, at The Woman’s urging, I went to the emergency room. They admitted me and I’ve been here since getting IV antibiotics. I’m not expecting to be out by Friday, so won’t be working this weekend.

    I’ll keep you all posted.

  8. 3 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    If I had realized the Grumbling Room would be open, I’d have been here to keep Robin company sooner.

    OT My elf season ended early …

  9. 5 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    Yes! Friday morning.

  10. 5 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    Disclaimer: not posted in favor of, or opposition to, any candidate or ballot measure.

    One of the formative moments of my maternal grandmother’s childhood was being taken into a voting booth to watch her mother cast her first ballot after the Nineteenth Amendment was ratified.

    In addition to inspiring my grandmother to vote in every election, whether for POTUS or to approve/reject that year’s town budget proposal, my grandmother took her own daughter with her to vote. She, in turn, took me and my siblings with her to vote.

    And the tradition continues … except this morning. The Girl was asleep when I went to vote this morning. But the poll workers remembered me and asked where she was … and that she is all about the sticker. They gave me a “Future Voter” sticker for her, and she is proudly wearing it as I type this.

    If you have not already, please go vote. And if you have a Boy or a Girl in your sphere of influence, bring them with you.