No bio available
Yea! And gay marriage- A2R*
*according to republicans
Danae would make a great republican!
Take it from me – I’m a geezer – it should still be to go to work.
Darrell Issa is a worthless waste of skin. He’s lucky he lives in San Diego county (mostly red) our he’d most likely would be out of a job without moving to Okey-Dokey!
You tell him, Lucy. We need to mind our own theological business!
Earl must REALLY miss the toilet.
Yea, and there’s lots of H2O in beer. Drink 8 -8oz glasses a day.
Everything has a positive purpose!
Greed is manifested in may ways!
Newt is a definition of hypocrisy!
Yea! And gay marriage- A2R*
*according to republicans