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Hokie1979 Premium

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  1. 6 days ago on For Better or For Worse

    And it doesn’t even have to be in a different country! The pitch my wife and I sat through was here in the U.S. (Key West, Florida). They brought us in with the “We’d like for you to come in and see the amazing renovation we’ve done on this condo building.” (I think this was back when the whole time share thing was new.) But once they started their hook, we just gave them the silent treatment until they FINALLY gave up. (Got some good coupons to use at some of the Key West attractions, though!)

  2. about 1 year ago on Arlo and Janis

    One possibility…maybe it’s about Frosty (from the song, not the TV version) being a winter character, and not necessarily a Christmas character?

  3. about 1 year ago on Arlo and Janis

    In the 1969 animated TV version, those were Frosty’s first words when the hat brought him to life.

  4. almost 7 years ago on JumpStart

    If you think HIPAA’s bad, take a look at the Federal substance abuse privacy rule (42 CFR Part 2). Can hardly talk to ANYONE else without written consent (other doctors, parents of minor patients, etc.)

  5. almost 7 years ago on JumpStart

    Problem is that the media isn’t a “covered entity”, so they don’t have to follow it. (health care privacy officer for the last 16 years).

  6. almost 7 years ago on Nancy

    Why are you so interested in whether or not any other reader decides to stay or go? I mean, a comment in response to each and every Gilchrist fan who’s expressed their thought?

  7. about 7 years ago on F Minus

    There is nothing inherent in kneeling during the anthem that says “This is about injustice.” If it weren’t for off the field interviews and statements, no one would know what the kneeling was about. So why not find a different way? These are people who command a lot of press and attention anyway, so surely they could find some other way to get their message out.

  8. about 7 years ago on F Minus

    If you’ve served in the military, you are trained about respect for the flag and the anthem simultaneously. When “colors” (playing of the anthem while the flag is raised at 0800) occurs on military bases, EVERYTHING comes to a halt, and every service member stops and salutes. It becomes so ingrained that it’s almost a reverence. So for us vets, seeing the “kneelers” IS like seeing someone positively insult the flag and the country.

  9. over 7 years ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Thanks for making me spray coffee all over my keyboard! LOL!!

  10. over 7 years ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Yeah, I keep making that mistake too!