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The issue was non compliance, ignoring warrants and swearing everything was returned.
Sounds like Mississippi should fix this without help from any snowflakes.
Wow, this is such an OLD shtick. You are becoming boringly repetitive. Try trump jokes, they’re funnier, easier to find and current on an almost daily basis.
Ted, you do know, I hope, that the clouds above nuclear power planta are steam ( Chernobyl excluded)?
Very cute !
What, no trump taking the fifth jokes? I’m disappointed, I had thought you were more creative. I guess not. Just the same tired tropes.
Sorry, $10 billion wouldn’t solve homelessness. It would help some; but, the real issues are lack of education, addictions, mental illness.
Very Funny but, sorry, it looks like a peanut to me.
You were an idiot the day you scribbled this. You’ve been proven so wrong and biased again. I guess you’re a Putin fan.
Funny IFF facts don’t matter. I had thought you were intelligent, sigh, I was wrong.
The issue was non compliance, ignoring warrants and swearing everything was returned.