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PhilosopherDan Free

Gifted student of humankind and unkind. Quite the punster and funster.

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  1. almost 14 years ago on Doonesbury

    Remember my friends, it was the CIA under Reagan who bankrolled Bin Laden and Taliban in the 1980s when they fought the Russian military in Afghanistan. Now they want puppet Karzai. Similarly it was the CIA under GOP who installed the puppet SHAH and created lasting hate for the U.S. among the people of Iran that he terrorized. The CIA overthrew the legally elected socialist government in Iran to do this. NOW the CIA and NATO are going to install another group of renegades in Libya. Where will that country be in five years?

  2. almost 14 years ago on Doonesbury

    Where will we be when the GOP does away with income tax for corporations, cuts veteran’s benefits and health care, and does the rest of their nonsense? How long will our countrymen fail to understand their real goal?