It is entirely possible for one to be much smarter than the rest of us and still be stupid. There was a “thought of the day” on the “a word a day” website by AnuGarg (the website, not the thought) that I really like. Paraphrasing here, We are all stupid, at least occasionally. Wisdom consists of learning to minimize the amount of time we spend being stupid.
Trick question !! Campanella was paralyzed in a car accident January of 1958.Dodgers began playing in LA later that year. Ergo, he was never the catcher for the LA Dodgers so no one could be the catcher there after him. The next catcher for the Dodgers was the first catcher for the LA Dodgers.
It is entirely possible for one to be much smarter than the rest of us and still be stupid. There was a “thought of the day” on the “a word a day” website by AnuGarg (the website, not the thought) that I really like. Paraphrasing here, We are all stupid, at least occasionally. Wisdom consists of learning to minimize the amount of time we spend being stupid.