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  1. about 1 month ago on Baby Blues

    Cartoonists have lives too. I think they take a few weeks off every year and reruns go on until they come back.

  2. 2 months ago on Baby Blues

    September 05, 2004. Or look up “Goodbye summer” as it’s the only result. Can’t post links but this shows a good portion of the yard and there’s clearly a fence around the property. It just isn’t always drawn.

    And I did look it up specifically before making my last comment to avoid saying something incorrect. "Yes, a backyard is generally considered private property, as it is part of the “curtilage” surrounding a home, which means it is an area immediately surrounding the house that is entitled to a reasonable expectation of privacy under the law."

    Regardless, I feel this discussion is heavily sidetracked from what it was meant to be. I agree with your original comment that Hammie would absolutely drop trou to show off his scar. I just didn’t think the example you gave was strong enough to prove the point. Even if there WASN’T a fence peeing in the bushes in your yard is still relatively private compared to making a show of it at a public pool. That’s all.

  3. 2 months ago on Baby Blues

    Unless you got a nosy neighbor peeking over your fence the only ones who would see him peeing in the bushes would be his family. I mean, that’s why your residence, including your yard, is considered “private property.”

    Completely different situation than peeing in public from the diving board.

  4. 2 months ago on Baby Blues

    Not the best example, since there’s a lot of stuff you’d do in the privacy of your own home vs in public. A better example is from the August 07, 2010 strip, where Darryl tells Wanda that Hammie peed in the public pool from the diving board.

  5. 3 months ago on Baby Blues

    June 25, 2009 and March 21, 2012 for those curious.

  6. 3 months ago on Baby Blues

    We don’t see what happens after this, so she probably did… maybe after Hammie actually finishes a book or two.

  7. 5 months ago on Baby Blues

    How are you able to put links? When I used to try the link would vanish when the comment posted. Now it won’t even let me post the comment and has a message that “URL’s are not allowed in comments.”

  8. 5 months ago on Baby Blues

    On the December 15, 2010 strip Hammie had straight A’s. But in every strip that mentions Hammie’s grades after that he seems to be struggling. Most likely he’s just too distractable to really pay attention, or he just doesn’t care that much.

  9. 5 months ago on Baby Blues

    Disappointed… because Wanda didn’t buy into an obviously fake explanation about why he doesn’t try harder in school?

    So what would be the “realistic” thing to do here?

  10. 9 months ago on Baby Blues

    His expression doesn’t look like he plotted it, though. It seems kinda guilty.I do think he had some hope it would turn out that way, but I think it was more of a win-win for him. If he waits the pan will be easier to clean, as he said. But if she decides to do it herself, then, hey, that works too.

    I have a coworker like that, where she’ll ask you to do something and if you don’t do it fast enough she’ll just do it herself because she just doesn’t have the patience to wait.