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What’s that black thing? Wasn’t this strip written before vaping?
It’s always refreshing to see a group of young college boys who are so committed to their sport . . .
Someone else is doing the writing for this strip all of a sudden — much funnier!
What have they done with Scot Hilburn? The last two weeks the jokes aren’t funny and somebody’s trying to copy his drawing style.
“Lady Chatterly’s Lover”
Did the good artist die . . . ? what happened?
What’s with the new artist? This sucks!
They get sucked out of the cage and sometimes get into the pump. I just read it on Quora.
Zipp having authority to drive to the corner for a quart of milk is even a bit scary . . .
Yeah, it was all downhill from there . . .
What’s that black thing? Wasn’t this strip written before vaping?