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  1. about 8 hours ago on The Buckets

    My handwriting was so bad that even I could not always read it. My typing was readable, but not always the right letters and often involved going back and correcting it.

    Printing worked. I would write as is if I was back in first/second grade and print the answers for the exams.

    Then my senior year of high school (early 1970s) we learned how to program this wonderful device – it took up most of a class room and we had to sit and type punch cards with what we wanted it to do in its own language – called FORTRAN – only a special few were allowed to use it – I knew someday it would solve my poor handwriting problem. Next thing I knew I was in college and a new version of the device had come along – it allowed us to sit at “typewriter” at various places on campus and type in what we wanted it to do in “BASIC”. At the time our teachers/professors would tell to enjoy using these devices as we would “NEVER” be able to play with them again as they were so expensive and, still, only a few fortunate ones of us could use it.

    Thank goodness the devices got cheaper and smaller and most of us have at least one at home so it is easy to go back and correct errors in what we want to say/print – thank goodness for the home computer as my handwriting is as bad or maybe even a bit worse. If I do have to hand write something (other than my signature) I write it in print not script.

  2. about 9 hours ago on Drabble

    If we get a card with glitter on it, it goes right into the trash.

  3. about 9 hours ago on Drabble

    Never heard of putting glitter or such in cards.

    Not only have neither of received a card with same – we barely receive a card at all – only from his sister. My family has moved to sending birthday greetings by email – my 95yo mom no longer has computer access and will call and leave a message on our answering machine. His sister does not use a computer and will also call in addition to the card.

    (Yes, my 95 yo mom has worked with computers, husband’s sister in her late 50s has not.)

    As far as Christmas/Chanukah (we are mixed couple and celebrate both) – we buy a gift for his younger niece (not my niece/nephews or his older niece as they are all adults and younger niece is an older child). He buys a gift for himself (if I was ever out without him I would buy him a surprise gift as I used to when I went out alone before he quit his job early and started spending all of time together). If it happens – extremely rarely – there is something I see and want we buy it and I wrap it when I wrap his gift for us to open on Christmas.

  4. about 9 hours ago on Drabble

    Wives remember messes!!

  5. about 9 hours ago on Stone Soup

    I knew I had to mention our cannon and me being on the crew due to your name.

    We are firing the cannon without cannonball or alternatives which would have been used in period. We are firing black powder. I have to lower a lit piece of “match” – thin rope which has been soaked in gunpowder in liquid. The match is being held by a LONG handled wooden tool with a metal 2 prong fork on the end to hold the smoldering match. When the one in charge of the crew says “fire” it was my job to do so. One is standing back away and to a bit of the side in case the cannon shoots backwards. We are firing blank – no cannon ball.

    (Have never made the “match” just know how by general info so not sure of liquid used.)

    I generally used to fire it only at these games since at most regular events we have a full cannon crew of the men – but I have also filled in at regular events if they are short crewed. I always bring my ear plugs to events just in case they need me to fill in.

    In the world of reenacting I have found that firing the cannon is more fun than cooking over the fire, but less fun than sitting and demonstrating embroidery – but with all 3 I get to talk to the public about the period and what I am/we are doing – and it can probably be determined from the length of my posts – I like to talk.

  6. about 9 hours ago on Pluggers

    Our doctors tend to be just younger than us. I thought this good as we would as, umm, we would no longer need their services and they would have been in practice beyond our lives, but both of them are talking about retiring.

  7. about 9 hours ago on Pluggers

    We never had that done at school. The doctor’s report was suppose to have it I guess.

    I also have always been chunky (except for a few months in junior high when I lost weight down to 105 which is what I am suppose to weigh and then I started eating again). Doctor read my weight this year on the scale, he pointed out that it was the same as last year (overweight). I told them that when we cleaned out my mom’s house a few years ago I found a report card from high school – I was at the same weight then also. He liked that it was the same, even though it was high.

    I was also tall for my age in elementary school and then stopped growing early and have remained at 5’1"

  8. about 9 hours ago on Pluggers

    Okay – I realize we don’t use all the modern bells and whistles – but what does Siri have to do reading signs and such while driving? Oh, wait, as I was about to hit send I think I figured it out – you are using an app in Siri to give you directions?

    Husband has similar in his Android. I am much better at the job of giving directions than same and often have to correct it – also he has an older GPS device to give directions and I am better than same also. After all, same was MY job before these devices came along.

  9. about 10 hours ago on Pluggers

    Same for us as Stodgefinn. We have gone to doctor for decades and he is great. He saved husband’s sight when he had terrible cataracts all of sudden. We are willing to schlep to the next county to see him. One problem is that he moved his office and there is no longer a mall across the street for us to walk around in after the appointment until the drops wear off. We end up sitting in the car until husband decides he is seeing well enough to drive home. (So far, so good.)

  10. about 10 hours ago on Pluggers

    Husband and I each have stayed at basically the same size for decades. He tends to have more clothing than I do. I have 2 weeks of nice tee shirts, socks, underwear, – 2 pairs of jeans, a pair of tan pants, navy pants and black pants, a brown skirt, navy skirt and black skirt, a dress, 3 or 4 dressier tee shirts – which along with the skirts/pants would be worn if we were invited to something dressy*. 4 winter jackets (well, husband and I each bought the same jackets twice and he no longer wears his as he founds something he likes more so I have all 4 of them, but tend to only wear one of them and then wash it and wear another one for awhile – hard to find jackets which fit me, so I don’t want to chance finding one again and keep all 4 of them), I also own 2 complete 18th century repro outfits that I sewed (ditto for husband’s same) for when we go to events. We sometimes go to Colonial Williamsburg or events that are more than one day so need more than one outfit for same.

    So nothing extra to donate anywhere (and if it fits me, I keep it as so hard to find same). One day one or more of our niblings will have “the honor” of sorting through all of this.