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  1. over 10 years ago on Peanuts


    What animator Bill Melendez would or wouldn’t have done in an animated TV special is irrelevant to the daily black & white strip. Mr. Schulz would NOT have used a “bold, blocky” (or, in this case, tacky) color scheme. Not on the Sunday color strip, and not if the dailies were in color. Regulars here know how I feel about this ridiculous colorization.

  2. over 10 years ago on Peanuts


    You’re kidding, right? It doesn’t matter one bit what you or anyone “thinks” the coloring could or should be. The fact remains Mr. Schulz never colored the face in this panel in this manner and it’s a completely arbitrary, unnecessary change made by someone who has access and ability to make these changes.

    It’s all part of the pointless, garish changes made in this whole colorization of the original black & white artwork. In my opinion, it’s shameful and wrong.

  3. almost 11 years ago on Peanuts

    Can you imagine how badly CB would screw up the internet if he were writing “Dear Email Pal” in today’s age?

  4. almost 11 years ago on Peanuts

    I’m just glad that Charlie and Snoop aren’t on the juice.

    We can rest easy that no one on the team is on performance enhancers…’cause there are obviously no performances that are enhanced.

  5. almost 11 years ago on Peanuts

    One of my favorite Sunday strips! But…covering broken record old ground here…

    Mr. Schulz found NO NEED to overemphasize character emotion by splashing them all one color…red. Lucy was drawn and featured as she was in each of the other panels. I realize my continued comments on this won’t change it…but it is very, very frustrating and aggravating to see it, and I can’t help it.

    We….know…..Lucy….is….angry. We DON’T need a “paint by the numbers fill in red” to emphasize what the creator made obvious. I really, honestly wish the parties responsible for these changes would stop and present the strip in it’s original form. Aside from this continued unwelcome change, the colorizing of the dailies has been done well.

    I wish I could get in touch with the responsible parties…I understand that GO COMICS is simply the messenger.

  6. almost 11 years ago on Peanuts


    I couldn’t agree more. It’s what I’ve been pointing out on Go Comics for some time now…the arbitrary misuse of colorization of the original black and white dailies. Just because certain licensed parties know what colors Mr. Schulz assigned for the Sunday color strips does NOT automatically mean he would have garishly used the same colors to express mood and sentiment the same way. The fourth panel of today’s strip looks more like someone threw a bucket of red paint in an act of vandalism. In my personal opinion…the artist would NOT have colored the character so improperly from head to toe, and the overall re-colorization is a mistake. I can learn to live with the colorized panels as they’ve been done…nothing is going to stop that now. But putting full colors on characters to express moods…that is just plain wrong and an assault on the original form and intent of the strip. Again, my opinion.

  7. almost 11 years ago on Peanuts

    I’m forever grateful that Mr. Schulz didn’t go all “Wizard of Oz” in these kite-eating tree storylines. I would have been freaked out seeing ambulatory kite-eating trees chasing Chuck and the gang around.

  8. almost 11 years ago on Peanuts


    Good for you that you remember the color schemes Schulz used on the Sunday strips. The point is, THE DAILIES WERE NOT IN COLOR. How do you, or “someone familiar with Schulz’s style” know what he would or would not have done if the dailies were in color? The stories, characterizations, wording were his by design. I personally find it insulting that someone “guess” what he would have done or wanted on a particular single daily strip. Just because Linus was green on a Sunday in 1967 or C.B. was red on whatever date does NOT mean that’s what would have been…oh, what’s the use. You apologists will find any conclusion to justify this sloppy excuse to satisfy people who can’t abide by the strip in their original form.

  9. almost 11 years ago on Peanuts

    ? How did the kite-eating tree uproot itself and end up in the sewer?

  10. about 11 years ago on Peanuts

    I’ve mentioned this in the past and it’s still correct: Go Comics has taken it upon themselves to arbitrarily color the daily strips. Charles Schulz never colored the dailies. And now, it appears that the Sunday strips have arbitrary changes in specific panels to convey different moods and meanings. I applaud outlets such as Go Comics for supplying us with an outlet to enjoy Peanuts in the 21st century. I hate the daily colorization and arbitrary panel color changes on Sundays. The modern reader apparently can’t abide “black and white” or a color free comic strip as the artist originally produced it. This is not what Mr. Schulz drew, and I can guess it’s certainly not something he would have approved or wanted.