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uMMM, moving the sundial WONT change the time..
I can see a confused elephant and a Scared cat..MOUSE!!!And a Home owner needing a new home
THATS NOT TRUE…only 51% of voting public..only about 30% vote, most listed as republican and democrat… Which means only 15-17% of the people.and you win
I love people who BLAME’…point fingers’ and really dont say anything..Its almost election time..
he has to be cleaning up by now…
what? the last picture, this one….IS COLOR…I kept it and still have it..
would love to see the chain break..
Something to say to RJ…that Turtles and tortoise live very long lives..
lOVE PEEKING, just have to find a hole to peek thru..
uMMM, moving the sundial WONT change the time..