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Recent Comments

  1. 2 days ago on Drabble

    I saw a story about Reese’s PB filling in a jar. Turns out it does exist, but you have to buy a monster cup kit for $30. And they’re out of stock.

  2. 2 days ago on The Middletons

    Memories of my youth: steel garbage cans you had to replace every year because the trash collectors slammed them against the truck so much. Nice quiet plastic roll-bins and hydraulic arms now, the driver never leaves the cab.

  3. 3 days ago on Fred Basset

    At one point I had a goldie mix and a built-in vacuum system. The can was about the size of a bushel basket and I had to empty it 2-3 times a year. Nuggett use to do projectile shedding.

  4. 3 days ago on Big Nate

    My first eight years of schooling were small Lutheran schools, there were no Honor Rolls, just “sit down, shut up and study”.

  5. 3 days ago on JumpStart

    We had a water leak and the cleanup crew ripped up part of the hallway floor. It took me almost a year to schedule a repair and refinishing the whole first floor. People who know hardwood are getting scarce.

  6. 3 days ago on Garfield

    And the ants are seeking new sources of food.

  7. 4 days ago on The Buckets

    April is when the rainy season ends in Oregon. We have rain forecasted for the next 8/12 days.

  8. 4 days ago on Over the Hedge

    We mainly have eastern grey squirrels here in Willamette valley. The four native Oregonian squirrels have been pushed up into the mountains.

  9. 4 days ago on Shoe

    When my submarine was in overhaul, we found live roaches in the reactor compartment.

  10. 5 days ago on The Buckets

    I lived in a rural area for a decade and my rotary phone was handy for testing the wiring to the house, as there was a jack on the panel outside. After 5-6 years of failed fixes, they finally ran a new wire.