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  1. 8 months ago on Chip Bok

    The only person ex-President Obama would probably put on a kill list is Donald Trump, in order to save the country.

  2. 8 months ago on Nick Anderson

    Fixed – “Republicans deliberately ignoring legitimate concerns about their candidate’s fitness for office” because they want a sock puppet who will let them implement their Christofascist autocratic plans for the country.

  3. 8 months ago on Gary Markstein

    This isn’t actually the danger for Democrats – the danger is that undecideds will stay home.

    It’s a mystery to me how one bad debate performance by Biden is dominating the news, which is loudly covering the discussions about getting Biden to drop out, with barely a peep about his opponent in the same week being featured prominently in the paper and photos of a pedophile and testimony that Trump was involved with teenage girls. And any Biden gaffe is covered extensively while at the same time Trump is rambling on about sharks and windmills and the water pressure in dishwashers with barely any coverage.

  4. 8 months ago on Chip Bok

    I literally LOL’d when I read your comment saying “Google top 20 lies Joe Biden told during the debate.”

    • Politifact pointed out 15 false statements made by Trump and another one — that Biden had allowed millions of people illegally into the country from jails and mental institutions — that it classified as a “pants on fire” lie. It cited three false statements by Biden.

    • The New York Times chronicled 20 false statements by Trump, with another 21 it said were either misleading, lacked context or lacked evidence. Its fact check pointed out no false statements by Biden, with 11 meeting the other characterizations. The Associated Press corrected 11 statements by Trump, four by Biden.

    • The Washington Post wrote that Trump “confidently relied on false assertions that have been debunked repeatedly” while Biden “stretched the truth occasionally.”

  5. 8 months ago on Chip Bok

    Suppose an editorial cartoonist kept drawing cartoons with either blatant or overt racism towards the Vice President…

  6. 8 months ago on Rob Rogers

    WTF are you talking about? Trump supports business owners and corporations over workers, whereas President Biden is the most pro-union president since FDR (https :// theconversation. com/bidens-labor-report-card-historian-gives-union-joe-a-higher-grade-than-any-president-since-fdr-228771

    Unions endorsing President Biden

    - Building Trades Union https :// com/watch?v=S3G5Yx-0BKM

    - Laborers Union https :// com/watch?v=YzkQvLYkefo

    - UAW https :// com/watch?v=HvXnFAR52yI

  7. 8 months ago on Rob Rogers

    Back to fired-up, inspirational Joe!

  8. 8 months ago on Steve Kelley

    Kelley is doing his usual job pushing false GOP scare-mongering talking points:

    • INFLATION: Economists agree that Trump’s plan for the economy would be worse for the country than Biden’s:

    - “Moody’s: Trump’s Economic Plan Would Trigger a Recession by 2025” https :// meidasnews. com/news/moodys-trumps-economic-plan-would-trigger-a-recession-by-2025

    - “16 Nobel Prize-winning economists say Trump policies will fuel inflation” https :// www.reuters. com/world/us/16-nobel-prize-winning-economists-say-trump-policies-will-fuel-inflation-2024-06-25/

    • DEBT: “Trump added twice as much to the national debt as Biden” Analysis" https :// thehill. com/business/4736740-trump-biden-fiscal-policy-deficit/

    • BORDER: The immigration bill that the GOP and Trump scuttled so he would have a talking point to run on to direct attention away from their poisonous social policies was supported by the U.S. Border Patrol Union and I’m pretty sure they know better than the people on here bloviating about how terrible it was.

    • CRIME: This is one of the falsest scare-mongering claims of them all.

    - “I Didn’t Think Biden Affected Crime Rates. I Was Wrong. When you look at the data, the president deserves some credit for the decline.” https :// com/opinion/articles/2024-06-18/i-didn-t-think-biden-affected-crime-rates-i-was-wrong

    - “Joe Biden is correct that violent crime is near a 50-year low” https :// www.poynter. org/reporting-editing/2024/crime-rate-up-or-down-united-states/

  9. 8 months ago on Rob Rogers

    sigh All this panic and finger-pointing over one bad debate performance in June in a volatile election with a loose-cannon opponent is ridiculous. Anyone who’s trying to contend the Biden is frail and unable to handle the job should calm down and just watch this clip from a rally the day after the debate. https :// com/watch?v=6QtISXR5nKo

  10. 8 months ago on Jeff Danziger

    CNN did fact-checking after the debate – it was 30 lies from Trump vs. 9 for Biden… and unlike Trump, Biden didn’t duck any questions. In addition, the lies Trump told were ones he repeatedly tells although they have been thoroughly debunked so he knows they’re lies. And he also several times took credit for things that the Obama and Biden administration did. (Personally, I think the DNC should run a clip ad saying “Trump knows that Biden’s accomplishments are so good for Americans that he is taking credit for them.”)