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Recent Comments

  1. almost 2 years ago on Pickles

    No. NO ONE can remember where all the dishes go!

  2. about 2 years ago on Jeff Danziger

    Intelligence officer? Languages? Really? Um….some documentation, please. I sincerely doubt that he was in any danger at any time.

  3. almost 9 years ago on For Better or For Worse

    Bloviate. A great word, recently used by the Des Moines Register and Tribune to describe a certain presidential candidate.

  4. about 9 years ago on Shoe

    AB-solutely, Connollys!

  5. about 9 years ago on Cathy Classics

    We were impossible for months after we were married—43 years ago. Still impossible. One of our favorite quotes: “it’s a good thing the girls can’t hear us now!”

  6. about 9 years ago on Bloom County

    Priceless, as always. We have: 1) one dog who won’t go thru doors, and 2) one dog, who, although very bright, won’t be potty trained!

  7. almost 10 years ago on Kevin Kallaugher

    Brilliant. The cartoon, that is, not the comments.

  8. almost 14 years ago on Jeff Danziger

    uh…never mind about the man on dog thing….

  9. almost 14 years ago on Jeff Danziger

    tcity—v true about Minnesota whack-job—but SOMEone elected her….

  10. almost 14 years ago on Jeff Danziger

    who’s “Man on on dog” guyhilarious….with this bunch, Obama may have a chance….