I love it!!! Let’s make America GREAT again!!!
All you killjoys: “Dos’t thou think that because of thee there shall be no cakes and ale!?” In vino veritas!
Stupid ’toon. Plain stupid.
Listen to the Oprah billionaire instead. She fights for us’ns, right?
Q.E.D. “Quod erat demonstrandum”.
You know, he DOES make a lot of sense! The weird woman doesn’t make any sense at all.
Yes, it’s me, TWM, enemy of all logical and compassionate thought, trolling the Go Comix system. Judging by the asininity of the strip and the inane quotes above, my work here is done. Mmmbwahahaha!!!
Ruben, you’re a comical guy. If only you were on the side of Truth, Justice and the American Way!
more like two years.
Time to get new authors for the Dickster! The previous ones were pretty bad but these guys are putting me to sleep. A whole hayloft of nuthin.
I love it!!! Let’s make America GREAT again!!!