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Not for very long.
I know people with such real drama in their lives, everyone would cry fake.
He can read about the action, but can’t put it to theory?
Most of my classes were advanced, except math. I didn’t share any classes with my friends.
Not everyone rushed to embrace electricity, I guess.
We had a hundred pines on three acres. Across the road, my grandmother’s five acres had at least ten pecan trees.
Original gangster.
OG tree hugger?
I have a collection of kerosene lamps, all in working order. Power goes out eight get lit.
My dad always said the best time/way to get lovebugs off your windshield was to wait for a good rain, then pour a 16oz bottle of Coke over it. The rain would prevent the acid in the soda from messing up your paint job.
Not for very long.