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ari180 Free
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- over 2 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes
over 2 years ago
on Tom the Dancing Bug
It’s the internet.Last week is “vintage.”
over 2 years ago
on Tom the Dancing Bug
“Wondered what a shrink who make of that”
I’m aspy, and I’ve done that all my life — still do.Many of us do stuff like that*.
*and many do notObligatory reminders:we r not a monolithif u’ve met one person on the spectrum, u’ve met 1 person on the spectrum
about 4 years ago
on Tom the Dancing Bug
“seemed like a bad deal for whoever had to eat sandwiches with traces of hard-to-wash-off chemicals on them.” And if they died of the e-coli and/or chemical contamination, that restaurant would lose a customer, and if this happened repeatedly, they’d eventually go out of business. See? The Sacred Free Market ALWAYS ensures the Right Outcomes for everyone (especially the ownership class).
about 4 years ago
on Tom the Dancing Bug
“Maybe God-Man isn’t omnipotent?”
Don’t be silly.Of course He [male gender a given, OBVIOUSLY] is.He is also omniscient and omnibenevolent.Just…never all three at the same time.
about 4 years ago
on Tom the Dancing Bug
Actual answer:Rupert Murdoch.
about 4 years ago
on Tom the Dancing Bug
“300,000 will will be dead from covid by Christmas due to Republican incompetence.”
Hi there!Future writing @ ya!It’s a week before Christmas, and all thru the housenot a corpse was stirring…not even the 321,000 TrumpVirus dead.By next wk, we’ll have beaten yr projection by over 10%…and that’s just the “official” count.The ACTUAL mortality rate is 30-60% higher, bcs we’re STILL not testing widely, and bcs the White House has had the CDC lo-balling the #’s.
over 5 years ago
on Peanuts
Is it a cheap one?
almost 6 years ago
on Tom Toles
“the courts have consistently interpreted it to mean individual gun ownership”
So sorry to inform you of this, but this is diametrically untrue. Until the 2008 DC v Heller decision reversed >200 yrs of consistent interpretation, the courts had uniformly held there was NOT an individual right, but — per the “well-regulated militia” clause — only a collective right. You appear to have been lied to by the same well-organized and compensated propagandists who try to claim that¶ there is no anthropogenic global warming;¶ women and people of color are not subject to economic and legal discrimination;¶ the economy is doing better than ever before for the typical American citizen; ¶ we’re currently suffering an unprecedented crime wave disproportionately involving “illegal” immigrants;and¶ Donald Trump, the thrice-married, self-acknowledged liar, cheater, and assaulter of women who doesn’t know that the name of the Bible Book is SECOND Corinthians and affirms that he has “never asked God for forgiveness” (and is hence no Christian), was installed in our White House by God’s Will and divine intervention.
almost 6 years ago
on Tom Toles
“the task is to find a way to write a law that will satisfy the need to avoid infringement”
Respectfully (rly, no snark), this is not entirely accurate.We don’t have to satisfy the prejudices & mistakes of a tiny (tho highly vocal) minority; we just have to satisfy the LAW.“Justice” Scalia’s 2008 DC v Heller decision was the FIRST in >200 yrs of jurisprudence to find an individual right to gun ownership in the text of the Second — and even Scalia included references explicitly acknowledging the rights of legislatures (both federal and state) to implement restrictions on that right, including the banning of entire categories of weaponry.Do not let winger liars (or possibly just ignorant fools) mislead you into believing otherwise.Read the decision text — it’s not all that long & it’s fascinating reading — but if you want the most relevant wording for this, check out pgs 54-55:
The “D” on DadMan’s costume is a great touch. So are the 1960’s-era computers in the Mom-and-Dad-Cave. It’s the little details.