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DonnaTN Free

Recent Comments

  1. about 13 years ago on Grand Avenue

    School started THREE WEEKS AGO!!! YOU’RE LATE!!! Get with it! All over the country kids are going back to school within the first 10-12 days of August! Next year you’re going to have to start these MUCH much earlier!!! In AL (for instance) it’s the second Wednesday of August for the first day of school!

  2. about 13 years ago on Geech

    WHY IS THE BOTTOM HALF OF THE STRIP MISSING ALL THE TIME??? There’s this BIG BLACK box section instead if the lower half of this strip. And it’s NOT the first time, either! YOU’RE DOING SOMETHING WRONG when you upload it!!! PLEASE FIX IT ASAP!!! or your going to LOSE MOST of your readers by p***ing them off!!!