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Don’t name the wildlife? Tell that to Gerald the crow and Pickles the jay who come to my deck for peanuts every morning.
You are my hero! Winning at a claw machine, and my fave Yoshi to boot!
Funny how we remember those dates…the night I met my husband, I went home and told my roommate I’d met the man I was going to marry. He told his roommate he’d been waiting for me. Almost 35 years later, we still celebrate that anniversary!
“I love you. I love butter more, but I do have feelings for you.”
Comic or not, cats are going to cat.
Adorable newborn drawing!
You can also get a “sushi bazooka” – friend of mine swears by it!
Wiley, have you been listening in on my Alexa?
And the phone won’t accept pawprints, only thumbs.
There’s something for everyone on a good road trip!
Don’t name the wildlife? Tell that to Gerald the crow and Pickles the jay who come to my deck for peanuts every morning.