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What is that on the left? A rotten banana? Oh, yeah, that’s Trump!!
Mr. Jones: Please don’t give them any stupid ideas. They’re stupid enough on their own.
Gee, I didn’t know she was running again. What a stupid, untimely cartoon.
I don’t get it.
Jeeze, man, I hope you don’t get in trouble for this one. “Pick ‘N’ Save” is a real grocery store chain here in Wisconsin. Didn’t you know that?
Kind of a dumb comic. What’s it supposed to mean?
Don’t let Trump see this one. He’ll think it’s about him.
So, who are those two supposed to be? They sure don’t look at all familiar.
What the heck is ‘floor dry’. I’ve never heard of such a thing.
Happy Birthday, Fred. Truly, you are one of those ‘caring people’
What is that on the left? A rotten banana? Oh, yeah, that’s Trump!!