MItt seems to have mixed up his Biblical passages… or is this another Etch-A-Sketch moment? It’s supposed to be "They shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning-hooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. (Isaiah 2:4)! Mitt-think before you speak for a change and look to knowledge, understanding, and diplomacy, diplomacy, diplomacy BEFORE ever considering arms!!!!!!
Michelle attended and was booed- Not because of anything more than her presence and being married to the President of the United States. Very telling about those who booed her- totally boorish, rude & undisciplined—- and that is the point of the comic-
When the churches and right-to-life absolutists start caring for all those children born as a result of ‘no options’ for a mother, THEN I will CONSIDER listening to their directives. Right-to-lifers seem oblivious to their own hypocrisy. They foist ‘guilt’ upon women who have chosen to abort for not ‘doing the right thing’, but when a woman ‘does the right thing’ and there’s no one to adopt that child (which is far more common that they like to think!), those same right-to -lifers don’t want pay the taxes necessary for the State to care for, educate, nurture and protect that ‘unwanted’ child, nor will the Catholic church. Until Right to lifers take on that responsibility, leave the woman do deal with her own choices and her own God.
Funny how truth can be a universal line- We should be concerned about any candidate that takes only 2 days to choose his running mate. McCain had more than 3 months to work on finding the very best VP he could for our nation. He wanted Lieberman or Ridge and those checking the winds told him he needed someone more faithful to core Republicans. So- 2 days of incomplete vetting- Whether 1 or a dozen cartoonists puck up the theme, they are all speaking to the truth of McCain’s decision making.
It didn’t take ‘main-stream’ media to tell me she isn’t qualified OR that she’s a clone of Republican thinking- anti-choice, book banning, environmental leach rather than caretaker, self-righteously superior to non-Christians, looks to the monied- She was for the ‘bridge to nowhere’ before she was against it, and took millions in pork barrel monies before she was ‘against it’- Yeah- she’s a perfect match for McCain and no one in the media had to tell me. Look her up yourself or call your research specialist at your local library. All the above is true-
What an embarrassment!