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anonymooseandsquirrel Premium

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  1. about 17 hours ago on Drabble

    That movie should be shown in schools! And every student should be required to take Home Ec to learn about proper nutrition and cooking.

  2. about 17 hours ago on Drabble

    We call them aquatarians. ;) What you eat depends on your unique body make-up; we are not all alike. For instance, I can’t consume dairy, wheat/gluten, eggs, and fungus, but excel on a diet of organic meats and veggies, with a bit of rice and some fruit thrown in. While that works for me, it may not work for you.

  3. about 17 hours ago on Luann

    Oh My GOSH!!!!! What a nightmare, and what a brave, brave BRAVE woman! Maybe being raised in the depression era did make them tougher; look at all the whiners we have now (they’d sit and whine online before actually lifting a finger to save themselves). Either way, your MIL is a superwoman, and I’m so glad she made it out of there.

  4. about 17 hours ago on Luann

    How “classics” are picked: There must be plenty of death, depression, and despair, and that’s just for the kids’ books!

    I love reading today’s kids and middle grade books; beloved animal characters no longer have to suffer and die (Old Yeller, Red Fern, Black Beauty, etc. etc. etc.)

  5. about 17 hours ago on Luann

    I love that movie! A friend claims to be 100 and something in line for the throne, and I always think of that movie when I picture him and his gorilla suit (of course he has one) in the palace. And forget “God Save the Queen”; the royal anthem will be “Louie, Louie”!

  6. about 17 hours ago on Luann

    To really understand P&P, you need to watch the REAL film version, the original 1995 miniseries done by the BBC starring Colin Firth as Darcy and Jennifer Ehle as Elizabeth Bennett. It’s longer than the lightweight Keira Knightly version, of course, but really gets into the characters, story, and how society treated/hated women back in the day (heaven forbid a woman be smart! And independent, as well? Bring on the fainting couch!) It’s one of the BBC’s best miniseries, usually argued to be THE best. The actor who plays the bumbling kiss-up cousin is hilariously fantastic!

  7. 3 days ago on Luann

    If you had the cookie jar padlocked, your son would have figured that out, too. ;)

    Maybe try an evil clown cookie jar? That would keep ME away! Unless there were Nestle’s Toll House chocolate chip cookies in there, of course.

  8. 3 days ago on Luann

    I love that Toni thinks ANY child would be like this. But don’t ALL non-parents think, “My child would be a well-behaved genius superchild?”

    Next, Shannon will compose and play original concertos on the piano. ;)

  9. 4 days ago on Luann

    Great job! Love having a guest artist and love the fun “imagine if” arc!

  10. 5 days ago on Luann

    Sink Party Shannon is that way because Brad and Toni allow her to be that way. Children need guidance and boundaries. They crave guidance and boundaries. Shannon gets away with things because everyone feels sorry for her and enables her, thinking they’re doing her favors, when, in fact, they’re not. Think of Shannon as a teenager if she doesn’t get guidance and get it soon!